october 2025

*** Preliminary Itinerary ***

Explore the wealth of the Byzantine Empire, from its eastern capital at present-day Istanbul to its apotheosis in Ravenna and enduring influence on Venice


For over 1,000 years, the Byzantine Empire was a European byword for sophistication. Keen observers from Christian Europe, the Arab world and the Far East sought to emulate and improve on its government and navy, its art and architecture. Even everyday details captivated people, from the humble fork – introduced to Western Europe through Venice – to a penchant for the emperor’s red shoes among European kings.

This 16-day tour surveys the impressive legacy of the Byzantine Empire, commencing with a week-long stay in its powerful capital. Present-day Istanbul – Byzantium, Constantinople, Stamboul – still boasts its strategic position, located at the mouth of the Bosporus, straddling Asia and Europe, East and West. From Constantine onwards, successive Eastern Roman emperors made extensive investments in their capital city and its infrastructure, churches and palaces. The emperors’ adoption of Christianity gave them a potent new visual language of authority that projected well beyond their Mediterranean empire.

Travelling to Ravenna in Italy for 2 nights, we enjoy a unique opportunity to compare a Byzantine metropolis with the messages of power and prestige conveyed in a regional capital. For centuries, Ravenna was a centre for Roman, Byzantine and Ostrogothic rule, but it fell into a decline in the Middle Ages and its Byzantine churches, chapels and tombs, with their UNESCO-listed mosaics, are beautifully preserved as a result.

Finally, we unpack our bags for a week in Venice, travelling to the northernmost reaches of the lagoon to appreciate the Byzantine legacy on Torcello and in the glowing mosaics of St Mark’s Basilica. Exploring Venice’s maritime trade, foreign communities and their places of worship, we admire great art and architecture, from Carpaccio and Bellini to Titian, Tintoretto and the birth of modern art.

The tour is complemented by the expert guidance of your tour leader, and by fine food and wine in carefully chosen restaurants.


Dr Nick Gordon studied history and ancient history at the University of Sydney, receiving First Class Honours and the University Medal in 2003, and his PhD in 2008. Nick has taught medieval and Renaissance European history at the University of Sydney, architectural history at UNSW, and the history of political thought at WSU. 

Nick is also an artist, working across painting, collage, photography and sculpture. His desire to dedicate more time to these interests led him to pursue a career in cultural travel, where he finds a constant source of inspiration as well as myriad opportunities to communicate more to group members about the cultures and histories they encounter on tour.

His love of travel, art and education led Nick to design art and history-focused tours to Western and Central Europe, East Asia and Australia, as well as to international art events, including the Venice Biennale and Art Basel in Switzerland and Hong Kong. In 2020, he led the Australian travel industry's pivot to online learning and coordinated over 1,500 events by 40 lecturers during the East Coast travel restrictions.


  • Unpack your bags for long stays in central Istanbul and a family-owned boutique hotel in Venice

  • Discover a Roman legacy in Istanbul’s hippodrome, basilica cisterns and impressive walls

  • Chart the rise of Christianity at Hagia Sophia and in Ravenna’s mosaic-encrusted churches

  • Survey superlative medieval art, including frescoes in Istanbul’s Chora and Padua’s Scrovegni Chapel

  • Appreciate a different aesthetic, from Ottoman tiles to a little-known museum of Greek icon painting in Venice and cutting-edge modern art

  • Enjoy outstanding scenery from land to sea, including a day on the Bosporus and excursions into the Venetian lagoon

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